Basics of genomics

Introduction to genomic science and reasons to have your whole genome sequenced.

What is a Genome?

Your genome is the instructions for making and maintaining you.

It is written in a chemical code called DNA. All living things have a genome; plants, bacteria, viruses and animals. Your genome is all 3.2 billion letters of your DNA. It contains around 20,000 genes. Genes are the instructions for making the proteins, which in turn become the building blocks for human life – From the keratin in hair and fingernails to the antibody proteins that fight infection.

Genes make up about 1-5% of your genome. The rest of the DNA, between the genes, used to be called ‘junk’ DNA. It wasn’t thought to be important. But we now know that DNA between genes is important for regulating the genes and the genome. For example, it can switch genes on and off at the right time. There is still much more to learn about what it all does.

Completion of the Human Genome Project’s efforts to sequence the first human genome was announced in 2004. This project cost ~$3 billion USD and took 15 years of vast international collaboration. In 2022, this process can now be achieved for less than $500, in just a few hours. We expect the cost of whole genome sequencing to reach less than $100 in the next few years. This positions one of the only infrastructure providers for self-custody genomics and a community owned, decentralized, global marketplace for genomic data.

What Kind of Sequencing is Offered?

We offer the gold standard, clinical-grade (30x), whole genome sequencing (WGS) from a choice of trusted sequencing providers worldwide. Genotyping (e.g. 23andMe) reads 0.02% of your genome. Exome sequencing reads 1.5%. WGS reads all 3 billion base pairs.

Why sequence your genome ?

There are multiple reasons to get your whole genome sequenced. Currently, by sequencing with you receive:

  • Getting paid for specific questions asked of your genome, while maintaining full privacy and not exposing your actual genomic data.

  • Carrier Status reports, giving you details on whether you are a carrier for certain hereditary conditions.

  • Ancestry/ethnicity reports.

  • Health risk reports based on genomic data and health surveys.

Last updated